Sunday, March 2, 2008

My First Step All Alone!!

I guess its been really long since i blogged...where is the time between hectic schedules like eating, sleeping etc .....tooooooooo tiring....lolz...jokes apart...i have been wanting to blog for a long time, but hardly had a minute or mood to think about it..

So now the mood is all set, and the thoughts flow is at the right level to pour here it comes.......

I was pretty happy when i got the first call letter to attend an interview at ICFAI in Hyderabad for a MBA seat..

So off i went all alone for the first time with a lot of apprehensiveness,insecurity,tension, happiness...etc can add a whole lot of emotional crap to this list..
I was at first too scared at the thought of managing myself the whole i understand how freaked out my mom would have been while bring me up.....lolzzz...all

I was concerned about not trying to act stupid and end up looking like a fool at any circumstances..(which i am very capable of)...lolzz...

One look at the girls and guys who were my co-candidates freaked me to noo ends .most of them had turned up with either one of their parents..and i was all alone and felt too small and little amongst them..almost like a school kid waiting behind the big bullies for a chance to get the audition..

Of course they were a few good souls who were sweet enough and made friends with me and stayed with me throughout the day in spite of my mokka and vetti talk...lolz..
we formed a group of 5 people..amongst them i was the only girl and the only non hindi speaking human...that day i realized three things

1)to learn hindi (if i have to survive in Hyderabad /Bangalore)

2)how irritating it is when people walk straight to you and start talking in the language you hardly understand as if the world is filled only with people knowing that one language...

3)how ridiculous it is to hear people talk english as hindi,tamil,gujarati,or marati...

It was one big agonizing day ...the process took the whole of the day from morning 6.30 to night 9.00...the first part was good as i was with my acquaintance...second part was bad as i had to go through all crappy procedures like giving a presentation, waiting for like three hours before the interview..only to be ended up with finance based questions posed by the interviewer...(exact contrast to my marketing background)...and the third part was a mixture of stuff like..happiness,a bit of disappointment,tooo much of exhaustion etc...wherein i had to wait for my results for like a eternity...

I got through IBS bangalore...which is a pretty decent campus, but i actually wanted to get into either Bombay or gurgoen...but i had no regrets the end of the day..all i wanted was good food and a soft bed..but i got more than that..i had the opportunity to meet nice people,had a chance to improve my socializing skills, and yeah the best a shot of vodka from my uncle as a reward for going through the tough day all alone..(it was actually to knock me down,as i would not just stop talking about what happened the whole day)....lolzzzzzzzzzz....;-)


HOnEY dROPS said...

hay u missed the vital part of mentioning my name as sweet adorable supporter ..;-)wasnt i? lolz

musicmaniac said...

adorable supporer......??what when where...who are u?......lolzzz...

vijay said...

Tell me ;)
is that one shot or a bottle???