Monday, April 21, 2008

The Moonlit Beach..

As i walked in the vast expanse of what felt like a never-ending feet experiencing the hotness of the sand,with music playing in my ipod, and with the chattering of my sister and her friend in the back ground ,i lost myself in thought..

My thoughts went through the same few questions which i keep asking myself as to "why such a thing happened", "why did this not happen","what would have happened if things have gone in a particular way",etc ..the answer to which i knew did not exist..even though my mind tells me "it had to happen that way so it did", my heart still keeps searching for answers.. thats when i understood that "The logic of the heart is absurd."..

People around me are talking,i can hear the sounds of the waves as we are near the beach,but my heart and thoughts are alien to whatever is happening around me..questions,wondering 's,anger,possibilities,what if - thoughts, keeps going in my head in a vicious circle.

Something cold and smoothing touched my feet,i looked down and realized that we have finally reached the sea after what seemed like an eternity,and it was the cold waves which was caressing me.

For the first time ,i looked up and saw what was happening around me. still my sister and her friend and their blah blah was invisible.. what caught my eye amazed me,made me stand still and wonder if anything else could be much more beautiful,made me forget all the emotional trauma i was going through,and put me in a confusion as to where i was and with whom,it was nothing else but the full yellow moon showcasing its beauty on the even more beautiful sea.. the reflection on the sea water was so perfect and so full of compassion.

The sight gave me immense joy,a huge ray of hope,a feeling which rightly cannot be put in words.That moment something inside my heart said

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known,so just wait and watch."

i was so jubilant as if i have attained everlasting peace and actually forgetting the fact that only few seconds ago i was grumbling in frustration.

At that precise moment the words of "Christian Nestell Bovee"-popped to my mind which goes like..

"When all else is lost, the future still remains."

Thanks to my companions who left me totally undisturbed and letting me enjoy those few minutes which made a difference in the way i see things in life.after few murmurings from my sister about its time to go back, i rose to leave,and made a deal with God nature that " i would come back again on few occasions with such pessimistic, never ending vicious circle of crappy thoughts,but i expect the same kind of gratifying experience i had today,as if nodding in agreement, a cool breeze blow my way taking away the last few wrinkled lines off my forehead ..


HOnEY dROPS said...

very expressive ..good thing i didnt disturb u yesterday... the nature has its own and effective way of healing the wounds :-)

musicmaniac said...

heheh thanks di...i did not mean u ..i was talking abt anu and shanky..

Karthik said...

as u know i don like to read such stories...tis is an exception for me...i suppose the difference was bcoz of the ipod. its good to make queries within yourself and a nice place to wlk through and finally a good narration de..
i don want to comment if tat music was by Hari haran.

Inderjit V M said...

Thts incredible