Sunday, April 19, 2015

Date the guy who loves music !!

Date a guy who loves music. The kind who understands when you say “Music is the best thing, that happened to me in life” and does not give you a weird once over. Date a guy who loves music, because he understands your obsession to loop a song and puts up until the phase is over. He is the guy who knows, a single line; a sing phrase can make you fall in love with a song and won’t judge you.

He is the guy who understands that you get goosebumps and all teary eyed just after listening to your favorite number.

Find the guy, who understands that sharing music brings joy to you and religiously listens to the ones that you suggest. He is the guy who exactly knows the kind of music you love, and takes all the effort to make sure you listen to the right ones. Be with the guy who understands that sometimes you completely loathe your playlist and willingly offers his Ipod with brand new rejuvenating numbers.

Date the guy, who knows to leave you all alone, when you are in serenity and completely lost in the waves of blissful melody. He is the guy who knows that music can nurse your wounded heart and also put you on a happy high.

Date the guy, who knows that music always puts you in a better mood and attempts to sing your favorite number in the most hideous manner just to make you laugh and makeup the fight.

Find the guy who knows that one of the best ways to wake you up is with music and plugs in the ipod to gently stir you out of your slumber.  He is the guy who loves to sit in complete darkness and listen to music in silence but together.  He is the guy who gets equally drunk in the high and low notes of a song and has a hard time getting a song out of his head.

Find the guy, who patiently helps you to find the first line of the song that you have seemed to have forgotten but can’t help humming all day long. He is the guy, who understands your frustration when you sometimes can’t seem to outline or give a form to the song which has been running constantly in your head and has come very close to your throat but never beyond that !

Marry the guy, who knows that life would be a mistake without YOU and MUSIC in it !! 

Post courtesy: Chandrasekar - You inspire me to write.. Thank you :) 

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