Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Beautiful Morning!

The sun rising slowly bestowing its beauty and blessing on the earth and wind showering us with a gentle breeze...birds chirping being the first sweet sound of the day....and trees rustling warmly welcoming the new amazing is all this?? how many of us truly enjoy this ,which is the most precious moment of the day... at least i don't...for which i regret a lot..

Its a curse i have been born with to go late to bed and wake up when its almost midday... insomnia at nights is one reason , the other is due to the place i live in, where sun light is a rare i cant blame myself during those rare occasions when i get up early.. i would be totally awestruck.... promising myself to enjoy the same thing next morning...but it happens again only after few years ;-)....

One thing i have noticed is that ...getting up early and spending some time with the nature is a awesome way to collect your thoughts, calm yourself, to think about all the complex philosophies of life which otherwise you would have never bothered to spare time too, to reset your energy level and refocus again on the goals you have set long ago and which you have forgotten about.......Its the best time to make decisions and think about the people you love the most....

Sometimes even nights cant be as romantic as early now i understand what you guys are thinking...i know am not talking out of experience or whatever...its all something i wish i would enjoy everyday..

I often say to myself that " i am missing too many beautiful moments in life"..But am sure the warmth of sun's rays , a cup of hot
steaming coffee and a extra dash good music would set you in the right mood to have a totally great and energetic day....


HOnEY dROPS said...

we are two birds in the same branch .......both of us thinking abt. waking up early in the morn. to enjoy the beauty..
unfortunatly we are blessed by god to sleep wen the world is busy and get up wen they sleep....
p.s: engenthu intha mathiri poetic writing ah copy aducha ;)
jus kidding. sucha beautiful blog

June 6, 2007 6:07 AM

Vidya Natarajan said...

join me in the branch ppl.... is only us who get up late will regret wat we miss..and thoghts flow to rite about early morning sun much have i wished to witnessed it....but never....even if i see the sun rising... i wont notice it clearly...coz still sleep will be in the edge of my eyes..that i wouldnt know wat i am seeing or talking...lolzz....nice blog da...keep blogging!!!

and next time when i in my senses witness the sun rise...i will come and ping in this blog ;)

R Karthick said...

Simply loved this piece.! a very thoughtful at the same time beautifully written blog!

> sometimes even nights cant be as
> romantic as early mornings.

this is *so* true..! i guess the current lifestyle has given few things to us, @ the same time taken a lotta things from us!

~~ keep pondering ~~!

Unknown said...

A true to heart unfurling of nature and real life.From the maturity of narration, I presume the writer must alteast be a 40 year old.Hats off Mam..

s()ms!e said...

wowwwwwwwwww....awesome man..! its true..we don hav time to think of the beauty of the early morning sunrise...even if we do wake up,.,we r bound to take things granted..nature is never given a second thought..theres so much u can learn frm nature,,,the complexities of life dont allow u to...!! anywayz..nice blog niru..very poetic and sensible too..way to go buddy..u rock.,

Yours lovingly, Friend.... said...

a truly beautiful piece of writing...wat a description of the early morning...thanks for reminding most of us the beauty of early mornings and the advantages of getting up early..very well me the push to get up early and enjoy nature in this part of the day too!